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KEY FACTS Pioneer of the ‘pay-as-you-go’ business model for solar energy to off-grid homes More than 1 million off-grid customers across East Africa (>3.6m beneficiaries) Enabling customers to generate>$86m in income and $467m in savings by switching from kerosene to solar in 10 years Founded in 2011, M-KOPA was the first company to launch a…

Greenlight Planet

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key facts 64 million lives impacted globally through provision of PAYG products and services 42% of main workforce is female 400 last mile distribution partners around the world, including micro-finance institutions, regional retail wholesalers, NGOs and other social impact organisations Greenlight Planet designs, distributes and finances a wide range of affordable solar energy products, from…


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Key facts The largest database on African households, with socio-economic, demographic and behavioural insights Delivers detailed insights for 50+ African countries down to 1×1 square kilometres Fraym is a geospatial data company that helps companies, organisations and government agencies map populations in Africa. By weaving together billions of data points from multiple sources, including surveys…


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Highlights 1.6m stoves sold globally, saving 3.7m tonnes of CO2 emissions Stoves reduce biomass fuel usage by up to 60% when compared with open fires Envirofit is a global clean cookstove business that designs, produces and markets affordable stoves that significantly reduce emissions, fuel costs and cooking time for low-income customers. Their product range was…

Dharma Life

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key facts More than 16,000 rural entrepreneurs (mostly women) promoting socially impactful products and services Operates across 50,000 rural Indian villages in 13 states, reaching 10m+ households Nearly 45,000 clean energy products sold (such as cooking and lighting) Dharma Life builds and trains a network of entrepreneurs (mostly women) to provide socially impactful products and…


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Key Facts Improved more than 100m livelihoods around the world $4.1bn saved in energy-related expenses 23m tonnes of carbon emissions reduced d.light designs and manufactures a range of affordable solar energy products, and uses innovative distribution models to reach low-income consumers and businesses throughout the world. d.light offers a suite of affordable solar products, from…


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Key Facts Provided IT solutions to 18+ early stage companies serving over 130,000 households and small businesses Enabled the largest micro-grid in Nigeria with online contracting system Enable.digital is an IT solutions firm that provides technology/product agnostic IT strategy and implementation to social enterprises working throughout Africa. They help social enterprises and SMEs to select…

The DRC – the best PAYG solar market in the world?

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The Democratic Republic of Congo represents one of the most challenging frontier markets to work in, with no or poor access to energy. In August 2017, we supported UK company Bboxx, alongside the UK Government, USAID and Power Africa, to pilot their off grid solution in the city of Goma, on the eastern border of the…

How innovations in technology are delivering impact in emerging markets

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Two recent additions to the SF portfolio are using innovative technology and business models to deliver increased and improved access to energy in Africa, including into some new and challenging markets. SF is supporting BBOXX and Aceleron as part of our strategic partnerships with the UK Government and USAID, which aim to create and scale…

M-KOPA Labs off-grid R&D brings whole new grid classifications

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Shell Foundation has supported M-KOPA since 2011 to establish its solar and mobile technology solution and to provide affordable, clean and bright energy to off-grid villages in East Africa. In 2016, M-KOPA Labs was established to accelerate the company’s ability to produce innovative, larger capacity appliances capable of interfacing with off-grid energy. In developing new…