Fraym – Machine learning to identify high-risk Covid-19 populations 

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As countries around the world race to prevent and mitigate the effects of Covid-19, data on populations such as their health characteristics, livelihoods and location may prove to be invaluable for response efforts. SF partner Fraym’s  data on population characteristics is really useful for mapping likely risk of Covid-19 in Africa and elsewhere. The data also…

How to retain safeguarding measures during Covid-19

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Evidence has shown that safeguarding risks dramatically increase during an epidemic. During the current period of uncertainty caused by Covid-19, it is vital that our partners are mindful of these increased risks and are equipped to prevent or deal with any incidents should they arise. We are supporting all our partners in ensuring safeguarding remains…

How Shell Foundation is responding to the Covid-19 crisis

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As the world adapts to a different operating environment caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, at Shell Foundation we have been working to formalise our response strategy to help our portfolio of social enterprises and institutions continue delivering energy and transport solutions to low-income consumers in Africa and Asia, and that the sector response is aligned…


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KEY FACTS Part of Balton CP group with operating entities across eight African countries in east, west and southern Africa Track record of over 50 years innovating in the Kenyan agriculture sector Piloted 100+ credit sales to small scale farmers and SME agribusinesses in 2019-2020 Amiran brings to Kenya the products of leading and innovative…

Nigeria Off-Grid Market Accelerator Programme – Annual Impact Report

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The Nigeria Off-Grid Market Acceleration Programme(NOMAP) is an independent market accelerator that aims to address market barriers limiting energy access in Nigeria. Supported by Shell Foundation, USAID and most recently DFID, NOMAP accelerates the off-grid energy in Nigeria using a mix of research, coordination and direct interventions. Its key attributes such as independence, a focus on result,…

Gender Inclusion in Hiring in India

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Shell Foundation partner, Shortlist, has produced a learning report which addresses the need to think about gender inclusion when hiring staff in India. The report talks about the concern in India about lost economic growth and development benefits due to low female labour force participation. The low rate seems to be explained in part by challenges in finding…

Future-Fit Foundation

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Key Facts Future-Fit Foundation’s ‘Business Benchmark’ offers a holistic framing for companies to identify, measure and manage the positive and negative aspects of their social and environmental impacts The Business Benchmark provides assurance-ready, transparent metrics to help businesses compare their current performance against the outcomes needed for a sustainable future, and report their results to investors These…

Precise Consult

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Key Facts Promotes local assembly of solar lighting products Coordinates sector initiatives for higher impact Supports the organisation of networking events and follows-up on the implementation of agreed joint action points to solve the identified bottlenecks for accelerating energy access in Ethiopia Is innovating and piloting a remit-to-pay platform to tap into the capabilities of…

Frontier Finance Solutions (a Cardano Development initiative)

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KEY FACTS Part of the Cardano Development family of companies, Frontier Finance Solutions is creating a Development Impact Bond (DIB) to finance companies bringing better cooking solutions to market in sub-Saharan Africa. The DIB combines several impact measures using the Gold Standard multi-SDG impact methodology, including: Reduced CO2 emissions Improved life expectancy Time saved by…


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Key Facts Holds data for 1.8m SMEs Strategic partnership with the Confederation of Indian Traders and its 70m+ members Millions of creditworthy SMEs in developing economies are underserved or unserved by the formal financial sector. CreditEnable can connect millions of creditworthy SMEs to lenders, which helps to address an $8.1 trillion market for SME credit…