Deepak Goel

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Deepak Goel joined Shell Foundation in 2017 and works across our India portfolio, with a focus on amplifying social impact through growth of our partners and new collaborations. Prior to joining Shell Foundation, Deepak had worked in Shell Group in broad range of roles in Upstream and Downstream projects across Asia, Europe and the USA.…

Clive Baldwin

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Clive Baldwin joined Shell Foundation in October 2016 in the role as senior partnership accountant to manage Shell Foundation’s project reporting and the financial aspects of SF’s major funding agreements. Clive joined us from the BG Group where, since 2013, he was a lead accountant in the integration and separation team, responsible for a variety…

Ashish Kumar

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Ashish joined Shell Foundation in 2016 in a new role of leading and managing incubation and innovation themed activities across the portfolio. Prior to joining Shell Foundation, Ashish had several years of experience in consulting and in-house roles in the private, public and development sector including at leading business and policy advisory firm Dalberg. There…